Case 1:
iTBD as an integrated solution to connect PACS, RIS, and HIS for one of the largest Radiology OEMs (X-ray equipment vendor) in North Vietnam to enhance the capability of their Radiology machines and effectively enabling them to offer improved quality of care, with a premium.
Radiology OEM has approx. 50 installations across North Vietnam and is aspiring to include AI capability in their Radiology Solution to enhance the service levels and quality.
However, the critical issue is to have an integrated AI solution that could sync with different platforms and operating systems.
Infusion of innovative integrated AI solutions to enhance the capability, quality, and reach.
Value Proposition:
iTBD platform is being innovatively designed to integrate with various platforms- PACS, RIS, and HIS. In the phase 1 deployment, iTBD is being integrated with 10 different locations syncing with more than 7 PACS vendors and 10 HIS.
The AI system seamlessly receives DICOM from HIS or RIS, processes the images, and places the result on PACS viewer for Radiologists to assess. The integration has not only infused AI capability in the OEM solutions to improve the workflow and quality of care but also provide – opportunities for enhanced market traction, an additional premium on each sale, and future potential of higher market share and revenue.